🛑Reminder! “E” is what really matters.


Recently, I’ve received messages from folks who want to be involved with “Women in AI” so here’s a quick reminder that we are “Women in AI ETHICS” not to be confused with WAI, which is another wonderful organization, but we are not the same. Women in AI Ethics™ (WAIE) focuses on the dual issues of diversity AND ethics in AI because you cannot have ethical AI without diversity and diversity itself is a key ethical issue.

When I published the first “100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics” in 2018, it was in response to the most common excuse used to rationalize the lack of diversity in AI/tech, “We don’t know any qualified women.” We now publish this list every year to elevate new voices in this critical space.

Today, responsible & ethical AI is trending with every “influencer” and “thought leader” clamoring for “AI ethicist” title but back then, women were being fired and retaliated against for raising awareness about ethical issues in AI. Even now, it’s still an uphill battle for women and non-binary AI ethics experts in this field to get funding and support for their work.

🙏🏽So please do not erase the “E” from our name because now more than ever, it’s critical that we support the diverse AND ethical voices in AI not just those cosplaying as “ethicist” for attention.

For more information on our work, please visit https://womeninaiethics.org/

#responsibleai #artificialintelligence #ethicalAI #aiethics #diversitymatters #representationmatters #diversityandinclusion