100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics List for 2022 Announced


100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics list — 2022

On Thursday, December 2nd, the Women in AI Ethics Annual Summit brought together a powerful line up of “AI Changemakers” at the frontlines of the fierce battle to make the AI and tech industry more inclusive and equitable.

Co-sponsored by the Ford Foundation and the Omidyar Network, this event also unveiled the “100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics” list for 2022. First published in 2018, this list is now published annually to recognize the underrepresented and overlooked diverse voices in this field. Here is the complete list with their Twitter handles, where available.

The selection committee convenes once a year to curate the 100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics list. The members of this are carefully selected for their commitment to AI Ethics and track record in fostering diversity in this space. Selection Committee members are not eligible to be considered for the 100 list to prevent any conflict of interest.

The selection committee members for 2022 list are:
Amy Chou, SVP — Aon, Alaric Aloor, CEO — Archonsec, Teemu Roos, Professor — University of Helsinki, Temi Lasade-Anderson — Critical Internet Studies Researcher, Ebitie Amughan — Talent Consultant Program Manager — Pinterest, and Mia Shah-Dand — Founder of Women in AI Ethics.

100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics list — 2022 (Name, Twitter handle)

1. Aarathi Krishnan @akrishnan23

2. Aida Ponce Del Castillo @APonceETUI

3. Aisha Naseer

4. Aishatu Gwadabe @AishatuGwadabe

5. Aleksandra Korolova @korolova

6. Alena Buyx @alena_buyx

7. Alexa Hagerty @anthroptimist

8. Alice Thwaite @alicelthwaite

9. Alka Roy

10. Allison Gardner @allisoncgardner

11. Amba Kak @ambaonadventure

12. Ana Chubinitze

13. Angela Fuller @arichmondfuller

14. Arathi Sethumadhavan

15. Ayushi Tandon @AyushiTandon

16. Beatriz Busaniche @beabusaniche

17. Belona Sonna @Belonasonna

18. Bogdana Rakova @bobirakova

19. Branka Panic

20. Bushra Ebadi @Bushra_Ebadi

21. Casey Fiesler @cfiesler

22. Celia Fernández Aller @AlleCelia

23. Chhavi Chauhan @chhavic

24. Chinasa T. Okolo @ChinasaTOkolo

25. Colleen Dorsey @USTCompliance

26. Crystal Rugege

27. Dagmar Monett

28. Daphne Coates

29. Deshni Govender @deshni_g

30. Dona Bellow

31. Dr. Brandeis Marshall @csdoctorsister

32. Dr. Rachel Gillum @RachelMGillum

33. Eleanor Drage

34. Elizabeth Renieris @hackylawyER

35. Emily McReynolds @EmilyNexus

36. Emma Ruttkamp-Bloem

37. Eva Marie @EvaMuStu

38. Forough Poursabzi @Fpoursabzi

39. Gemma Galdon Clavell @eticasconsult

40. Haniyeh Mahmoudian

41. Heather Patterson @h2pi

42. Heather Roff @HMRoff

43. Huma Shah @Turing2014

44. Jamie Morgenstern @jamiemorgenste1

45. Jean Dinco @imajeanpeace

46. Jenn Wortman Vaughan @jennwvaughan

47. Jennifer Jordan @jajordan13

48. Jennifer King @kingjen

49. Jenny Brennan @jennyhbren

50. Jenny L Davis @Jenny_L_Davis

51. Jessica dos Santos @j3ssicaSant0s

52. Joan Donovan @BostonJoan

53. Josephine Yam @josephinevyam

54. Juyoun Han

55. Karen Hao @_KarenHao

56. Karina Pedace

57. Karina Vold @karinavold

58. Kat Mustatea @kmustatea

59. Katrina Ingram @katragram

60. Katya Klinova @klinovakatya

61. Kay Firth Butterfield @kayfbutterfield

62. Kerry Mackereth @KerryMackereth

63. Laura Acion @_lacion_

64. Laura Musgrave @lmusgrave

65. Lily Eva Frank @Lilyfrank16

66. Lisa Thee @Lisa_thee

67. Lorena Jaume Palisi @lopalasi

68. Lucie White @lucieawhite

69. Madelaine Ley @madelainejley

70. Madeleine Clare Elish @m_c_elish

71. Madeleine Shang

72. Maria Paz Hermosilla @mphermosilla

73. Marie-Therese Png @png_marie

74. Marta Kosmyna @martakosmyna

75. Melissa McCradden @MMcCradden

76. Milena Pribic

77. Mirabelle Jones @mirabelle_jones

78. Monique Mann @DrMoniqueMann

79. Navrina Singh @navrina_singh

80. Pamela Robinson

81. Pati Ruiz @pati_ru

82. Rachel Cummings radcummings

83. Radhika Radhakrishnan @so_radhikal

84. Raluca Crisan @ralucaetiq

85. Rebecca Crootof @rebeccacrootof

86. Riyanka Roy Choudhury

87. Sacha Alanoca @SachaAlanoca

88. Saiph Savage @saiphcita

89. Saishruthi Swaminathan @saishruthis

90. Samira Samadi

91. Sarita Rosenstock

92. Selin Cetin @robolegist

93. Sorelle Friedler @kdphd

94. Su Lin Blodgett

95. Sunipa Dev @sunipa17

96. Supriya Kulkarni @sup_says

97. Toju Duke @TojuDuke

98. Triveni Gandhi @triv_data

99. Yasmine Boudiaf @YasmineBoudiaf

100. Yolanda Lannquist @YolandaLannqist

Rising Stars in AI Ethics list — 2022 (Name, Twitter handle)


1. Adriana Bora

2. Carla Vieira @carlaprvieira

3. Christina Hitrova @C_Hitrova

4. Ecem Yilmazhaliloglu @ecemyilmazhali2

5. Elena Kell

6. Favour Borokini @Favourboroks

7. Golnosh Farnadi @gfarnadi

8. Irene Chen @irenetrampoline

9. Isabel Straw @IsabelStrawMD

10. Jessica Newman @JessicaH_Newman

11. Josie Young @swordstoyoung

12. Kat Zhou @katherinemzhou

13. Kizzy Terra @kizzy_terra

14. Pratyusha Kalluri @ria_kalluri

15. Rachel Freedman @FreedmanRach

16. Stephanie Kelley

17. Susanna Raj

18. Thais Portilho @Selkie

19. Volha Litvinets @volhalitvinets

20. Yadira Sánchez Benítez @yadira_sz

You can view the lists from previous years here: https://womeninaiethics.org/the-list/

About Women in AI Ethics:

Women in AI Ethics (WAIE) is a fiscally sponsored project of Social Good Fund, a California nonprofit corporation and registered 501(c)(3) organization, with a mission to increase recognition, representation, and empowerment of brilliant women in this space. All activities are supported by sponsorships, donations, and ticket sales. These funds are used for mission-aligned activities, which include but are not limited to providing a free online AI Ethics talent directory, hosting community events, and funding other initiatives to support women and non-binary folks in this space.